Letters to the Editor: I will not be voting Labour in this Election for the first time in over 50 ye
I will not be voting Labour in this Election for the first time in over 50 years.
I hate what my party has become here in Scotland but mostly here in Moray.
We have a Candidate that speaks more about the SNP than he does his own party, it's pathetic and childish to the point of primary school playground behavior.
I don't vote SNP and probably never will but the SNP are closer to my values than the Conservative party are yet our Moray Candidate probably hates the SNP more than he does the Tory party and that's the feeling I get with Scottish Labour as a whole.
My Labour party has been taken over by children it would seem, children with a lot to say but never no action to back it up.
I voted NO in the referendum but now wish I had voted YES, I believed Mr Brown when he said we would have something close to federalism, he lied to us and made me look a fool for voting NO.
However I still Voted Labour last year in the General Election, I don't know why, probably because I felt I couldn't vote for the rest, Stupid I know but I've always believed you should Vote.
I'm sat here with my postal vote and thinking I have no other option but not to vote at all. what a sad state of affairs that your own candidate offers you nothing but hate of the opposition.
What's sad is the Tory party will become the opposition in this country and Labour in Moray will still remain a very poor third come May the 5th, that's hard for me being a Labour Man and all because we put forward silly wee people with chips on their shoulders instead of fight in their stomachs.
Andrew Fraser from Forres.
Please send in any letters to the editor at aroundmoray@gmail.com. We will never take sides or offer our opinion just make sure its clean please